Tuesday, 23 April 2013

 These were from a project called 'the real' and I was exploring my own fears, which are very real to me, but also completely imaginary, encompassing the ideas of isolation and darkness. Are these this realistic to be afraid of? Or is it irrational? I feel it's probably more of the latter.

 Some of my favourite images of birds I have taken, what I feel is one of my passions. I particularly liked the mute and berwick swan during the winter of 2011/12 who were very charismatic.

I like looking for birds, and I like the waiting, the thrill when you find one, the rewards of photograph. I rarely leave my bird watchers book at home.

Whatever happens with my professional photography I don't think i'll ever get bored with photographing birds.

The night shift at the hospital

 I spent some time at a hospital during a night shift, it was very quiet, and very empty with just the skeleton theatre staff. There was an atmosphere that I wanted to convey, a kinda of sterile but ultimately uncomfortable feel that anyone who has spent time in hospital is familiar with. So the orange light, especially in the surgery areas (where it is most obvious) was important to the overall look.